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 The Retrospect and Prospect of Research on Implicit Memory
 杨治良 李 林
 Yang Z hiliang Li Lin
 Department of Psychology,East China Normal University,Shanghai200062
 内隐记忆任务分离 加工分离
 implicit memorytask dis sociationprocess dissociation
 近年来,在对内隐记忆的存在性和本质特点进行探讨的过程中,该领域涌现出愈 加丰富的实验室研究方法和理论观点,同时也引发了研究者对内隐记忆内涵的深入思考。逐 渐细分的内隐记忆研究领域促使人们超越内隐记忆原有的理论框架,去建构一个整合外显记 忆与内隐记忆,容纳记忆的无意识和意识过程的完整理论体系。
 Researches and theoretical explanations on implicit memory have dev eloped a lot since implicit memory was set up20years ago.As the experiments bein g divided into more and more pieces,researchers began to suspect the old framew ork of implicit memory that would be substituted by an integrated theory conside ring unconsciousness as well as consciousness.


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更新日期/Last Update:  2009-02-02