

|本期目录/Table of Contents|





 Test Theory for a New Generation of Tests ———the Origin and Features of Cognitive Diagnostic Theory
 刘声涛 12 戴海崎 1 周 骏 1
 Liu Shengtao 12 Dai Haiqi 1 Zhou Jun 1
 1.Education College,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang330027;2.Educatio n and Science College,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou350007
 Cogniti ve diagnostic theorythe core of test theory for a newgenerationis the produc t of the combination of cognitive psychology and modern measurement theory.Studi es in cognitive diagnosis have got its momentum in psychological research abroad and s
 认知诊断理论被视为新一代测验理论的核心,是认知心理学与现代测量学相结合 的产物。对认知诊断的研究已成为当前国外心理学研究的一个重要热点,并引起国内学者的 广泛关注。本文从认知诊断的源起、概念、特征,及研究的基础、框架、意义和难点等七个 方面对认知诊断的理论与技术作了一个简要述评,以期推进我国心理学界认知诊断的研究工 作。
 Cogniti ve diagnostic theory,the core of test theory for a newgeneration,is the produc t of the combination of cognitive psychology and modern measurement theory.Studi es in cognitive diagnosis have got its momentum in psychological research abroad ,and scholars at home have paid much attention on it.In order to advance cognit ive diagnosis study in China,the article deals with seven important issues on c ognitive diˉagnostic theory and technology such as the origin,concept,charact eristics,study bases,framework,significance and study difficulties.


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更新日期/Last Update:  2009-02-02