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 The Social Survey of Karma and Priming Experiment of Inhibition Effect on Machiavellian Behavior
 (1.江西师范大学马克思主义学院,南昌 330022; 2.南京师范大学心理学院,南京 210097)
 Tang Shujun1Guo Yongyu2
 (1.School of Marxism,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022; 2.School of Psychology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097)
 因果报应 启动 厚黑行为 社会治理
 Karma priming Machiavellian behavior social governance
 Karma is an important concept in traditional Chinese culture.Karma don't just means the past actions influence the present and the present actions influence the future,the law of Karma is some kind of cosmic justice system,and some kind of mysterious cosmic force directing karma,rewarding good people and punishing bad people.The lasting influence of Karma passes down generation by generation,till now Karma still impacts the Chinese in the today's society.Through social survey to uncover the acquaintance andapprehension of Karma in the public,the questionnaires are surveyed among 2239 subjects in 2 provinces,and the survey results show that:(1)55.29% of the subjects(1238)know the Karma by different ways,and “ taught by the elders”,“learned from the traditional Chinese culture”,and “study from the religion” rank the top 3 ways mentioned.33.81% of the subjects(757)believe the law of Karma really exists in the world.10.09% of the subjects(226)believe that the law of Karma works effectively,really punishes the evil and rewards the good.23.67% of the subjects(530)use the Karma to guide their behavior and social activities,22.96% of the subjects(530)mention the Karma to their relatives and friends as a warning or a kind of education.Further through the priming experiment to test the inhibition effect of Karma on Machiavellian behavior,237subjects attend the 2*2*2 between subject experiment,the results show that:the priming of Karma can significantly inhibit theMachiavellian behavior,the priming content and the Machiavellian personality interplay on the Machiavellian behavior,the priming of Karma can better inhibit the Machiavellian behavior of the subjects with high Machiavellian personality.Based on the analyses and discussions of the above-mentioned studies,following conclusions were drawn:(1)the acquaintance and acceptance of Karma in the public today is still an objective existence because of the lasting and profound influence of Karma.(2)the priming of Karma can significantly inhibit the Machiavellian behavior.(3)Karma is a complex existence,it can't be simply regarded as spiritual opium that poisons the people,on the contrary,from the perspective of social governance,the Karma can help the upstanding of raising goodness and restraining evil,help the progress of harmonious society and ethical and cultural advancement,and the contents of Karma in traditional religious heritage and folk culture can be selectively processed and creatively transformed for the need of today's better social governance.


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 基金项目:国家社会科学基金一般项目(19BKS217),教育部高校示范马克思主义学院和优秀教学科研团队建设项目(18JDSZK099),中国博士后科学基金第59批面上资助项目(2016M592110)。 通讯作者:郭永玉,E-mail:yyguo@njnu.edu.cn。
更新日期/Last Update:  2019-07-20