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 Establish the Academic Tradition of Confucian Humanism: From “Cultural Rehabilitation” to “Cultural Renaissance”
 Kwang-kuo Hwang
 (Department of Psychology,Taiwan University)
 儒家人文主义 文化复建 文化复兴
 Confucian Humanism Cultural Rehabilitation Cultural Renaissance
 In this article,the author holds that the indigenous psychology movement must be based on scientific philosophy,through reviewing his academic course of promoting indigenous psychology with professor Yang Guoshu and reconsidering his own experience.Studying intensively to the theory of philosophy of science,the author has gradually established a serial of theories of indigenous psychology in the last two or three decades.His ultimate goal is to use Confucian culture as the base to absorb the essence of modern Western civilization or “Chinese essence and Western utility”.Because it is time to get rid of the Western academic system and establish the “Confucian humanism” one.The author believes that only by vigorously developing the local social sciences and establishing the Chinese “independent social science tradition”,it is possible for the Chinese academic community to get out of the “academic self-colonization” mentality.


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更新日期/Last Update:  2019-09-30