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 The Influence of Language Proficiency on Stroop Effect——Task State fMRI Study Based on Unbalanced Bilinguals
  钱巧云 易音巧 淡一波 刘 绅 宁瑞鹏*
 (华东师范大学物理与材料科学学院,上海市磁共振重点实验室,上海 200062)
 Qian Qiaoyun Yi Yinqiao Dan Yibo Liu Shen Ning Ruipeng
 Stroop 语言熟练度 磁共振成像 注意控制 反应抑制
 motivated forgetting effect emotion N2 P3
 目的:探讨语言熟练度对Stroop效应的影响及其背后的脑机制。材料与方法:17位被试参与本研究。被试母语为汉语,第二语言为英语。在被试完成中英文的stroop色字的任务过程中对被试进行fMRI扫描。结果:在色字相一致的条件下,中文任务与英文任务相比,双侧背侧枕叶及右侧背外侧前额叶有更强的激活; 反向比较,双侧腹侧枕叶有更强的激活。在色字不一致的条件下,中文任务与英文任务相比,双侧背外侧前额叶、右侧枕下回有更强的激活; 反向比较,并无显著激活的脑区。此外,中文Stroop效应引起左侧额下回显著的激活。英文Stroop效应中,左侧额下回无显著激活。结论:结合前人研究,我们得出,语言熟练度影响了对注意控制有重要作用的背外侧前额叶以及与反应抑制有关的左侧额下回在Stroop任务中的参与程度,进而影响了Stroop任务的表现
 In order to explore the motivated forgetting effect of emotional memory,the event-related potential technique,T/NT paradigm and negative Chinese words were used.The behavioral results of Experiment 1 showed that with the negative and neutral chinese words the correct rate of the NT group was significantly lower than the baseline level,that is,the experimental results obtained the motivated forgetting effect.The EEG results of Experiment 2 showed that 200-300ms:in Fz,Cz,Pz,the P2 amplitude of the T group was higher than that of the NT group.300-400ms:At the Fz,Cz,and Pz points,the N2 amplitude of the NT group is higher than that of the T,and N2 is highly correlated with the inhibition process,suggesting that inhibition is a major cause of motivated forgetting.400-500ms:At the Pz point,the P3 amplitude of the T group was higher than that of the NT group.TheP3 wave in the parietal lobe is highly correlated with memory recalling,suggesting that motivated forgetting prevents the recalling,a process that leads to the motivated forgetting effect


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 通讯作者:钱巧云,E-mail:3112989031@qq.com; 宁瑞鹏,E-mail:rpning@phy.ecnu.edu.cn。
更新日期/Last Update:  2020-06-30