《心理学探新》 过刊查询页面

    关键词中包括 stereotype 的文章

1 The Mechanism Study of Stereotype Activation in the Social Cognitive Dual-processing Perspective
徐霄扬1,张学新1,汪 萱2
2019年05期 [445-450][Abstract](1217)[pdf 903KB](488)
2 The Influence of Emotion Regulation on the Cognitive Effect of Negative Meta-stereotype Activation
吴佩佩 郭思倩 贺 雯
2019年04期 [368-373][Abstract](742)[pdf 935KB](342)
3 Negative Stereotypes and Intergroup Anxiety:An Important Factor Hindering Intergroup Interaction
2019年02期 [186-192][Abstract](1249)[pdf 868KB](505)
4 The Effect of Repeated Two-syllable Name on Interpersonal Perception and Attitude
魏 华1,2,3,段海岑1,周宗奎4,朱晓伟4,5,刘美婷3
2018年06期 [551-556][Abstract](1407)[pdf 883KB](601)