《心理学探新》 过刊查询页面

    作者中包括 笑笑 的文章

1 Metaphorical Relationship Between Shape and Agreeableness Personality and Its Influence on Fair Decision-making
李新彦1,2,王 悦1,冯 超3,卢笑笑4,李 莹1
2022年04期 [339-346][Abstract](511)[pdf 1184KB](163)
2 Relationship Mobility,Rejection Sensitivity and Subjective Well-being
文 植1,张笑笑1,赵 显2
2019年02期 [179-185][Abstract](1363)[pdf 995KB](664)
3 Risky Decision Making of Adolescents in Junior High School with Cognitive Modelinganalysis:The Roles of Self-esteem and Gender
刘笑笑1,辛 涛2通讯作者:辛涛,E-mail:xintao@bnu.edu.cn。,林 喆1,刘彦楼3,孙小坚2
2018年04期 [319-325][Abstract](791)[pdf 896KB](423)