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 Risky Decision Making of Adolescents in Junior High School with Cognitive Modelinganalysis:The Roles of Self-esteem and Gender
 刘笑笑1辛 涛2通讯作者:辛涛E-mail:xintao@bnu.edu.cn。林 喆1刘彦楼3孙小坚2
 1.北京师范大学心理学部,北京 100875; 2.中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心,北京 100875; 3.曲阜师范大学中国教育大数据研究院,山东 273165
 Liu Xiaoxiao1Xin Tao2Lin Zhe1Liu Yanlou3Sun Xiaojian2
 1.School of Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875; 2.Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment toward Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875; 3.Chinese Academy of Education Big Data,Qufu Normal University,Shandong 273165
 初中生 风险决策 爱荷华博弈任务 认知建模 自尊 性别
 adolescents in junior high school risky decision making Iowa Gambling Task cognitive modeling self-esteem gender
 308 adolescents selected from a junior high school in Shandong province were investigated.Iowa Gambling Task(IGT)was used as an assessment tool of risky decision making.The Value-Plus-Perseveration(VPP)model was applied to decompose and quantify the three underlying psychological components,aka,motivational process,cognitive process,and responsive process in decision making.Gender difference,levels of self-esteem and the interactions between the two variables were examined.The results indicated that adolescents demonstrated bad performance in risky decision making and were insensitive to loss.With the grade of the students as the controlled variable,hierarchical regression analysis revealed that,(1)There was an interaction between gender and self-esteem on the motivational parameter representing the sensitivity to gains.For female adolescents,higher self-esteem led to more attention to gains.(2)Gender difference was not found in overall task performance,however,deck B with a high loss value was preferred by male students while female favored deck D which is an advantageous choice with lower frequency of loss.(3)The impact of self-esteem was found on the motivational and cognitive components.Students with high self-esteem showed more loss aversion in the motivational process and gave more weight to the perseverance strengths of the decks in the cognitive process.


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更新日期/Last Update:  2018-07-30