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    关键词中包括 decision-making 的文章

1 The Development of Power Cognition in Children Aged 7~9 and Its Influencing Factors
丁 芳1,黄 霞1,2,刘颜蓥1
2023年05期 [425-432][Abstract](51)[pdf 1190KB](32)
2 Performance of 12~17-year-old Adolescents in Iowa Game Task
许盼盼1,2,沈慧欣3,张凤华2,4,张 维5
2023年05期 [410-416][Abstract](49)[pdf 955KB](36)
3 The Effects of Episodic Foresight and Regulatory Focus on Health Intertemporal Decision-making
2023年05期 [402-409][Abstract](69)[pdf 1116KB](40)
4 The Omission Bias in Moral Dilemma Decision-making:Phenomena and Measurement
薛 宏1,2,3,李成立1,3,陈佳莉1,3,徐科朋1,2,3,张姝玥1,2,3
2022年06期 [483-489][Abstract](644)[pdf 1118KB](323)
5 The Influence of the Observer and Its Intimate Relationship with the Individual on Regret
凌晓丽1,刘媛媛2,孙 鹏3,苏 翱1,田静雯1,李寿欣1
2022年04期 [322-329][Abstract](583)[pdf 1182KB](195)
6 The Involvement of Psychology in Economics:A Decision-making Framework from Rational Self-interest to Social Preference
2022年04期 [291-296][Abstract](623)[pdf 1017KB](296)
7 Nascent Entrepreneurial Behaviors and Their Influence by Policy and Psychological Factors of College Students in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area
2021年03期 [282-288][Abstract](762)[pdf 954KB](278)
8 The Influence of the Graph Framing on the Intertemporal Choice in the Gain and Loss Condition
周 晶1,张加峰2,3,李智勇4,李 晶1
2020年02期 [164-168][Abstract](781)[pdf 772KB](373)
9 The Monetary Reward Regulates the Effects of Social Exclusion on Decision-making under Uncertainty
2019年05期 [439-444][Abstract](1123)[pdf 884KB](515)
10 The Influence of Ego-depletion and Emotional Motivation on Impulsive Decision-making
钟毅平1,马 翔2,欧阳益3,范 伟1,史滋福1,杨小兵2,姚振东4
2018年06期 [522-526][Abstract](1566)[pdf 769KB](645)
11 The Interaction of Self-esteem and Emotional Information in University  Students on Decision-making of Prosocial Behavior
2011年31卷03期 [244-248][Abstract](2360)(3)
12 The Empirical Study on Correlations Among Several  Field-Dependent/Field-Independent Tests
2011年31卷01期 [58-62][Abstract](1867)[pdf 938KB](1582)